


General Principles of the PRC Civil Law


Presidential Decree No. 66


The General Rules of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China, adopted at the Fifth Session of the 12th National People 's Congress of the People's Republic of China on March 15, 2017, are hereby promulgated, effective October 1, 2017.

中華人民共和國主席 習近平

President Xi Jinping


15 March 2017


(Adopted at the Fifth Session of the 12th National People 's Congress on March 15, 2017)

目 錄


  第一章 基本規定

Chapter 1 Basic Provisions

  第二章 自然人

Chapter 2 Natural Persons

    第一節 民事權利能力和民事行為能力

Section 1 Capacity for civil rights and capacity for civil conduct

    第二節 監護

Section 2 Guardianship

    第三節 宣告失蹤和宣告死亡

Section 3 Declaration of Missing Persons and Death

    第四節 個體工商戶和農村承包經營戶

Section 4 Individual Businesses and Rural Contracting Households

  第三章 法 人

Chapter 3 Legal Persons

    第一節 一般規定

Section 1 General Provisions

    第二節 營利法人

Section 2 For-profit Legal Persons

    第三節 非營利法人

Section 3 Non-profit Legal Persons

    第四節 特別法人

Section 4 Special Legal Entities

  第四章 非法人組織

Chapter 4 Non-incorporated organisations

  第五章 民事權利

Chapter 5 Civil Rights

  第六章 民事法律行為

Chapter 6 Civil Juristic Acts

    第一節 一般規定

Section 1 General Provisions

    第二節 意思表示

Section 2 Expression of Intention

    第三節 民事法律行為的效力

Section 3 Validity of Civil Juristic Acts

    第四節 民事法律行為的附條件和附期限

Section 4 Civil Juristic Acts with Conditions and Time Limits

  第七章 代 理

Chapter 7 Agency

    第一節 一般規定

Section 1 General Provisions

    第二節 委托代理

Section 2 Proxies

    第三節 代理終止

Section 3 Termination of Agency

  第八章 民事責任

Chapter 8 Civil Liability

  第九章 訴訟時效

Chapter 9 Limitation of actions

  第十章 期間計算

Chapter 10 Calculation of Time Period

  第十一章 附 則

Chapter 11 Supplementary Provisions

第一章 基本規定

Chapter 1 Basic Provisions

第一條   為了保護民事主體的合法權益,調整民事關系,維護社會和經濟秩序,適應中國特色社會主義發展要求,弘揚社會主義核心價值觀,根據憲法,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of civil subjects, adjust civil relations and maintain the social and economic order, so as to meet the needs of developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and carrying forward socialist core values.

第二條   民法調整平等主體的自然人、法人和非法人組織之間的人身關系和財產關系。

Article 2 Civil laws adjust personal relationships and property relationships between natural persons, legal persons and unincorporated associations as subjects with equal status.

第三條   民事主體的人身權利、財產權利以及其他合法權益受法律保護,任何組織或者個人不得侵犯。

Article 3 The personal rights, property rights and other lawful rights and interests of civil subjects shall be protected by the law; no organization or individual may infringe upon such lawful rights and interests.

第四條   民事主體在民事活動中的法律地位一律平等。

Article 4 All civil subjects are equal as regards their legal status in civil activities.

第五條   民事主體從事民事活動,應當遵循自願原則,按照自己的意思設立、變更、終止民事法律關系。

Article 5 All civil subjects engaging in civil activities shall observe the principle of voluntariness to establish, change or terminate civil legal relations in accordance with their own intentions.

第六條   民事主體從事民事活動,應當遵循公平原則,合理確定各方的權利和義務。

Article 6 All civil subjects engaging in civil activities shall observe the principle of fairness to determine the rights and obligations of all parties concerned reasonably.

第七條   民事主體從事民事活動,應當遵循誠信原則,秉持誠實,恪守承諾。

Article 7 All civil subjects engaging in civil activities shall observe the principle of good faith, adhere to honesty and keep their promises.

第八條   民事主體從事民事活動,不得違反法律,不得違背公序良俗。

Article 8 No civil subject engaging in civil activities may violate laws or go against the public order and good morals.

第九條   民事主體從事民事活動,應當有利於節約資源、保護生態環境。

Article 9 All civil subjects engaging in civil activities shall help save resources and protect the ecological environment.

第十條   處理民事糾紛,應當依照法律;法律沒有規定的,可以適用習慣,但是不得違背公序良俗。

Article 10 Civil disputes shall be dealt with in accordance with the law; where no relevant provision is prescribed by the law, customs may apply, without violation of the public order and good morals.

第十一條   其他法律對民事關系有特別規定的,依照其規定。

Article 11 Where special provisions on civil relations are prescribed by other laws, such provisions shall apply.

第十二條   中華人民共和國領域內的民事活動,適用中華人民共和國法律。法律另有規定的,依照其規定。

Article 12 Laws of the People's Republic of China shall apply to any civil activity within the territory of the People's Republic of China. Where the laws provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.

第二章 自然人

Chapter 2 Natural Persons

第一節 民事權利能力和民事行為能力

Section 1 Capacity for civil rights and capacity for civil conduct

第十三條   自然人從出生時起到死亡時止,具有民事權利能力,依法享有民事權利,承擔民事義務。

Article 13 A natural person shall have the capacity for civil rights from birth to death and shall enjoy civil rights and assume civil obligations in accordance with the law.

第十四條   自然人的民事權利能力一律平等。

Article 14 All natural persons are equal as regards their capacity for civil rights.

第十五條   自然人的出生時間和死亡時間,以出生證明、死亡證明記載的時間為準;沒有出生證明、死亡證明的,以戶籍登記或者其他有效身份登記記載的時間為準。有其他證據足以推翻以上記載時間的,以該證據證明的時間為準。

Article 15 The date of birth or death of a natural person shall be based on the date recorded on his or her birth certificate or death certificate. Where the birth certificate or death certificate is not available, the date recorded in the household registration or in any other valid identity registration shall apply. If there is any other evidence sufficient to overturn the above date, the date proved by such evidence shall prevail.

第十六條   涉及遺產繼承、接受贈與等胎兒利益保護的,胎兒視為具有民事權利能力。但是胎兒娩出時為死體的,其民事權利能力自始不存在。

Article 16 Where a fetus is involved in the protection of the interests of the fetus, such as inheritance and acceptance of gifts, the fetus shall be deemed as having the capacity for civil rights. But if the fetus is born dead, its capacity for civil rights has never existed.

第十七條   十八周歲以上的自然人為成年人。不滿十八周歲的自然人為未成年人。

Article 17 A natural person aged 18 or over is an adult. A natural person under the age of 18 is a minor.

第十八條   成年人為完全民事行為能力人,可以獨立實施民事法律行為。

Article 18 An adult has the full capacity for civil conduct, and may perform civil juristic acts independently.


A minor who has reached the age of 16 and whose main source of income is his or her own labor shall be deemed as a person with full capacity for civil conduct.

第十九條   八周歲以上的未成年人為限制民事行為能力人,實施民事法律行為由其法定代理人代理或者經其法定代理人同意、追認,但是可以獨立實施純獲利益的民事法律行為或者與其年齡、智力相適應的民事法律行為。

Article 19 A minor who has reached the age of eight is a person with limited capacity for civil conduct and shall be represented in the performance of civil juristic acts by his or her agent ad litem or obtain the consent or acknowledgment of his or her agent ad litem. However, he or she may independently perform civil juristic acts which are purely to benefit the minor or the performance of which is compatible with his or her age and intelligence.

第二十條   不滿八周歲的未成年人為無民事行為能力人,由其法定代理人代理實施民事法律行為。

Article 20 A minor under the age of 8 is a person having no capacity for civil conduct and shall be represented in the performance of civil juristic acts by his or her agent ad litem.

第二十一條   不能辨認自己行為的成年人為無民事行為能力人,由其法定代理人代理實施民事法律行為。

Article 21 An adult who is unable to account for his or her own conduct is a person having no capacity for civil conduct and shall be represented in the performance of civil juristic acts by his or her agent ad litem.


The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply to a minor who has reached the age of 8 but is unable to account for his or her own conduct.

第二十二條   不能完全辨認自己行為的成年人為限制民事行為能力人,實施民事法律行為由其法定代理人代理或者經其法定代理人同意、追認,但是可以獨立實施純獲利益的民事法律行為或者與其智力、精神健康狀況相適應的民事法律行為。

Article 22 An adult who is unable to fully account for his or her own conduct is a person with limited capacity for civil conduct and shall be represented in the performance of civil juristic acts by his or her agent ad litem or obtain the consent or acknowledgment of his or her agent ad litem. However, such an adult may independently perform civil juristic acts which are purely to benefit the adult or the performance of which is compatible with his or her intelligence and mental health.

第二十三條   無民事行為能力人、限制民事行為能力人的監護人是其法定代理人。

Article 23 The guardian of a person without or with limited capacity for civil conduct shall be his or her agent ad litem.

第二十四條   不能辨認或者不能完全辨認自己行為的成年人,其利害關系人或者有關組織,可以向人民法院申請認定該成年人為無民事行為能力人或者限制民事行為能力人。

Article 24 For an adult who is unable to account for or fully account for his/her own conduct, an interested person or an organization concerned may apply to a people's court for determination that such adult is a person without or with limited capacity for civil conduct.


For a person who has been determined by a people's court to be without or with limited capacity for civil conduct, the people's court may, depending on the recovery of his or her intelligence or mental health, determine him or her to be recovered as a person with limited or full capacity for civil conduct, upon his or her own application or that of an interested person or a relevant organization.


The relevant organizations mentioned in this Article shall include neighborhood committees, villagers' committees, schools, medical institutions, women's federations, disabled persons' federations, organizations established according to the law for the elderly and civil affairs departments.

第二十五條   自然人以戶籍登記或者其他有效身份登記記載的居所為住所;經常居所與住所不一致的,經常居所視為住所。

Article 25 The domicile of a natural person shall be his or her residence recorded in the household registration or in any other valid identity registration; if the habitual residence is not the same as the domicile, the habitual residence shall be deemed as the domicile.


Section 2 Supervision

第二十六條   父母對未成年子女負有撫養、教育和保護的義務。

Article 26 Parents are obligated to foster, educate and protect their minor children.


Adult children are obligated to support, assist and protect their parents.

第二十七條   父母是未成年子女的監護人。

Article 27 Parents are guardians of their minor children.


If the parents of a minor are dead or have no competence to be guardians, one of the following persons who have the competence to be guardians shall act as the guardian in the listed sequence:


1. paternal or maternal grandparents;


(II) elder brother or sister; or


(III) other individuals or organizations that are willing to act as the guardian, provided that it is approved by the neighborhood or village committee in the place of the minor's domicile or the civil affairs department.

第二十八條   無民事行為能力或者限制民事行為能力的成年人,由下列有監護能力的人按順序擔任監護人:

Article 28 One of the following persons who have the competence to be guardians shall act in the listed sequence as the guardian for an adult without or with limited capacity for civil conduct:


1. spouse;


(II) parents or children;


(III) any other near relative;


(IV) Other individuals or organizations that are willing to act as guardian, provided that it is approved by the neighborhood or village committee in the place of the ward's domicile or the civil affairs department.

第二十九條   被監護人的父母擔任監護人的,可以通過遺囑指定監護人。

Article 29 The parents of a ward may appoint a guardian in their wills.

第三十條   依法具有監護資格的人之間可以協議確定監護人。協議確定監護人應當尊重被監護人的真實意願。

Article 30 Persons qualified as guardians according to law may enter into an agreement to determine a guardian. Where a guardian is to be determined by agreement, the true will of the ward shall be respected.

第三十一條   對監護人的確定有爭議的,由被監護人住所地的居民委員會、村民委員會或者民政部門指定監護人,有關當事人對指定不服的,可以向人民法院申請指定監護人;有關當事人也可以直接向人民法院申請指定監護人。

Article 31 In the case of a dispute over the determination of a guardian, the neighborhood or village committee in the place of the ward's domicile or the civil affairs department shall appoint a guardian; if the parties concerned do not agree with the appointment, they may either apply to a people's court for appointing a guardian or directly apply to a people's court for appointing a guardian.


The neighborhood or village committee, the civil affairs department or the people's court shall follow the principles of respecting the true will of the ward and benefiting the ward to the largest extent in appointing a guardian from persons legally qualified to be a guardian.


Before a guardian is appointed in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of this Article, if the personal rights, property rights and other lawful rights and interests of the ward are not subject to any protection, the neighborhood or village committee in the place of the ward's domicile, the relevant organization specified by the law or the civil affairs department shall act as the guardian temporarily.


The guardian, once appointed, shall not be changed without approval; in the case of change without approval, the guardian appointed shall not be exempt from liability.

第三十二條   沒有依法具有監護資格的人的,監護人由民政部門擔任,也可以由具備履行監護職責條件的被監護人住所地的居民委員會、村民委員會擔任。

Article 32 Where there is no person legally qualified to be a guardian, either the civil affairs department or the neighborhood or village committee in the place of the ward's domicile which is qualified to fulfill the duties of guardianship shall act as the guardian.

第三十三條   具有完全民事行為能力的成年人,可以與其近親屬、其他願意擔任監護人的個人或者組織事先協商,以書面形式確定自己的監護人。協商確定的監護人在該成年人喪失或者部分喪失民事行為能力時,履行監護職責。

Article 33 For an adult with full capacity for civil conduct, he or she may negotiate in advance with his or her close relatives or other individuals or organizations which are willing to act as guardian and determine his or her guardian in writing. The guardian agreed upon shall perform the guardianship duties when such adult loses or partially loses the capacity for civil conduct.

第三十四條   監護人的職責是代理被監護人實施民事法律行為,保護被監護人的人身權利、財產權利以及其他合法權益等。

Article 34 A guardian is in charge of representing the ward in his or her performance of civil juristic acts and protecting the ward's personal rights, property rights and other lawful rights and interests.


The guardian's rights arising from the fulfillment of the guardianship responsibility according to the law shall be protected by the law.


A guardian who fails to fulfill his guardianship duties or infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of his ward shall be held legally liable.

第三十五條   監護人應當按照最有利於被監護人的原則履行監護職責。監護人除為維護被監護人利益外,不得處分被監護人的財產。

Article 35 A guardian shall, according to the principle of benefiting the ward to the largest extent, fulfill the guardianship responsibility. The guardian shall not dispose of the property of the ward unless it is to safeguard the ward's interests.


The guardian of a minor, while fulfilling the guardianship responsibility, shall respect the ward's true will when making the decision related to the ward's interests according to the ward's age and intelligence status.


The guardian of an adult, while fulfilling the guardianship responsibility, shall respect the ward's true will to the largest extent, safeguard and assist the ward in performing the civil juristic acts that are compatible with the ward's intelligence and mental health. The guardian shall not interfere in matters which the ward is able to handle independently.

第三十六條   監護人有下列情形之一的,人民法院根據有關個人或者組織的申請,撤銷其監護人資格,安排必要的臨時監護措施,並按照最有利於被監護人的原則依法指定監護人:

Article 36 In the event that a guardian is under any of the following circumstances, the people's court may, based on the application of the individual or organization concerned, disqualify the guardian, arrange necessary measures for temporary guardianship, and appoint a guardian according to the law based on the principle of benefiting the ward to the largest extent:


1. performing acts that seriously damage the physical and mental health of the ward;


2. delaying in fulfilling the guardianship responsibility, or being unable to fulfill the guardianship responsibility and refusing to delegate part or all of the guardianship responsibility to others, which causes the ward to be in distress; and


(III) performing other acts that seriously damage the lawful rights and interests of the ward.


The individuals and organizations concerned as mentioned in this Article shall include other persons legally qualified to act as guardians, the neighborhood committees, village committees, schools, medical institutions, women's federations, disabled persons' federations, organizations protecting minors, organizations established according to the law for the elderly and civil affairs departments.


Where individuals and organizations other than civil affairs authorities provided for in the preceding paragraph fail to apply in time to the people's court for disqualifying the guardian from guardianship, the civil affairs authorities shall do so instead.

第三十七條   依法負擔被監護人撫養費、贍養費、扶養費的父母、子女、配偶等,被人民法院撤銷監護人資格後,應當繼續履行負擔的義務。

Article 37 For parents, children and spouses who bear the upbringing payment, alimony payment or maintenance payment of the ward, their obligation in respect of such payment shall continue after such person has been disqualified by a people's court as guardian.

第三十八條   被監護人的父母或者子女被人民法院撤銷監護人資格後,除對被監護人實施故意犯罪的外,確有悔改表現的,經其申請,人民法院可以在尊重被監護人真實意願的前提下,視情況恢複其監護人資格,人民法院指定的監護人與被監護人的監護關系同時終止。

Article 38 Where the parents or children of a ward show true repentance after being disqualified from guardianship by the people's court, the people's court may, on the premise of respecting the ward's true will, enable them to regain guardianship upon their application as the case may be, except for those who commit an intentional crime against the ward. The guardian relationship between the guardian appointed by the people's court and the ward shall be terminated simultaneously.

第三十九條   有下列情形之一的,監護關系終止:

Article 39 Under any of the following circumstances, the guardian relationship shall be terminated:


1. Where the ward gains or regains the full capacity for civil conduct;


2. the guardian loses the competence to be a guardian;


(III) either the ward or the guardian dies;


(IV) other circumstances where the people's court determines that the guardian relationship shall be terminated.


Where the guardian relationship is terminated and the ward still needs guardianship, another guardian shall be determined according to the law.

第三節 宣告失蹤和宣告死亡

Section 3 Declaration of Missing Persons and Death

第四十條   自然人下落不明滿二年的,利害關系人可以向人民法院申請宣告該自然人為失蹤人。

Article 40 If a natural person's whereabouts have been unknown for two years, an interested person may apply to a people's court for a declaration that the natural person is a missing person.

第四十一條   自然人下落不明的時間從其失去音訊之日起計算。戰爭期間下落不明的,下落不明的時間自戰爭結束之日或者有關機關確定的下落不明之日起計算。

Article 41 The time period during which a natural person's whereabouts become unknown shall be calculated from the day when contact with the natural person is lost. If a person's whereabouts become unknown during a war, the time period during which the whereabouts are unknown shall be calculated from the day when the war ends or from the day when the person's whereabouts are unknown as determined by relevant authorities.

第四十二條   失蹤人的財產由其配偶、成年子女、父母或者其他願意擔任財產代管人的人代管。

Article 42 A missing person's property shall be placed in the custody of his or her spouse, adult children, parents or other persons who are willing to serve as custodian of the property.


In the case of a dispute over custody, if the persons mentioned in the preceding paragraph are unavailable or are not competent to take such custody, the property shall be placed in the custody of a person appointed by the people's court.

第四十三條   財產代管人應當妥善管理失蹤人的財產,維護其財產權益。

Article 43 The custodian of property shall properly manage the missing person's property and safeguard the property rights and interests of the missing person.


Any taxes, debts and other unpaid expenses owed by a missing person shall be paid by the custodian out of the missing person's property.


Where the custodian of property causes damage to the missing person's property due to intentional misconduct or gross negligence, the custodian shall be liable for compensation.

第四十四條   財產代管人不履行代管職責、侵害失蹤人財產權益或者喪失代管能力的,失蹤人的利害關系人可以向人民法院申請變更財產代管人。

Article 44 Where the custodian of property fails to fulfill the duty of custody, infringes the missing person's property rights and interests, or loses the competence to take on such custody, an interested person of the missing person may file an application with the people's court to change the custodian.


Where the custodian of property has legitimate reasons, he or she may file an application with the people's court to change the custodian.


Where a people's court changes the custodian of property, after the change the custodian is entitled to require the original custodian to hand over the relevant property and report the facts on property custody in a timely manner.

第四十五條   失蹤人重新出現,經本人或者利害關系人申請,人民法院應當撤銷失蹤宣告。

Article 45 In the event that a missing person reappears, the people's court shall revoke the missing-person declaration upon application of the person or that of an interested person.


In the event that a missing person reappears, he or she is entitled to request the custodian to return the relevant property and report the facts on property custody in a timely manner.

第四十六條   自然人有下列情形之一的,利害關系人可以向人民法院申請宣告該自然人死亡:

Article 46 Under any of the following circumstances, an interested person may apply to the people's court for a declaration that a natural person is dead:


1. the natural person's whereabouts have been unknown for four years; or


(II) The natural person's whereabouts have been unknown for two years due to an accident.


If a person's whereabouts become unknown due to an accident and it is impossible for such person to survive based on the certification made by the relevant authorities, the application for declaration of death is not limited to the two-year period.

第四十七條   對同一自然人,有的利害關系人申請宣告死亡,有的利害關系人申請宣告失蹤,符合本法規定的宣告死亡條件的,人民法院應當宣告死亡。

Article 47 For the same natural person, if some interested persons apply for the declaration of death while others apply for the declaration of such natural person as missing, the people's court shall declare the death of the person provided that conditions for declaring the death specified herein are met.

第四十八條   被宣告死亡的人,人民法院宣告死亡的判決作出之日視為其死亡的日期;因意外事件下落不明宣告死亡的,意外事件發生之日視為其死亡的日期。

Article 48 For a person who is declared dead, the date when the people's court renders the judgment for the declaration of the death shall be deemed as the date of death of the person; if the person is declared dead due to the unknown whereabouts caused by an accident, the date when the accident occurs shall be deemed as the date of death of the person.

第四十九條   自然人被宣告死亡但是並未死亡的,不影響該自然人在被宣告死亡期間實施的民事法律行為的效力。

Article 49 If a natural person is declared dead but is not dead, the validity of the civil juristic acts performed by him or her during the period of declared death shall not be affected.

第五十條   被宣告死亡的人重新出現,經本人或者利害關系人申請,人民法院應當撤銷死亡宣告。

Article 50 In the event that a person who has been declared dead reappears, the people's court shall revoke the death declaration upon application of the person or that of an interested person.

第五十一條   被宣告死亡的人的婚姻關系,自死亡宣告之日起消滅。死亡宣告被撤銷的,婚姻關系自撤銷死亡宣告之日起自行恢複,但是其配偶再婚或者向婚姻登記機關書面聲明不願意恢複的除外。

Article 51 The marital relationship of a person who is declared dead shall cease to exist from the date of death declaration. If the death declaration is revoked, the marital relationship shall automatically resume from the date of revoking the death declaration, unless his or her spouse has remarried or either party makes a written statement refusing to resume such relationship to the marriage registration office.

第五十二條   被宣告死亡的人在被宣告死亡期間,其子女被他人依法收養的,在死亡宣告被撤銷後,不得以未經本人同意為由主張收養關系無效。

Article 52 Where a person's child is adopted by another person according to the law during the period when he or she is declared dead, he or she shall not claim for invalidation of the adoption relation by reason of he or she not agreeing with the adoption after the death declaration is revoked.

第五十三條   被撤銷死亡宣告的人有權請求依照繼承法取得其財產的民事主體返還財產。無法返還的,應當給予適當補償。

Article 53 A person is entitled to request any civil subject who has obtained the property of such person in accordance with the Law of Succession to return the property if the death declaration is revoked. If the property cannot be returned, appropriate compensation shall be made.


If an interested person conceals facts and causes another person to be declared dead, thus obtaining such person's property, the interested person shall, apart from returning the property, be liable for compensation for the losses caused thereby.

第四節 個體工商戶和農村承包經營戶

Section 4 Individual Businesses and Rural Contracting Households

第五十四條   自然人從事工商業經營,經依法登記,為個體工商戶。個體工商戶可以起字號。

Article 54 Individual businesses refer to natural persons registered according to the law to engage in industrial or commercial operations. Individual businesses can have a shop name.

第五十五條   農村集體經濟組織的成員,依法取得農村土地承包經營權,從事家庭承包經營的,為農村承包經營戶。

Article 55 Leaseholding farm households refer to members of a rural collective economic organization who have obtained the lease holding right of the rural contracted land according to the law and engage in household contractual management.

第五十六條   個體工商戶的債務,個人經營的,以個人財產承擔;家庭經營的,以家庭財產承擔;無法區分的,以家庭財產承擔。

Article 56 The debts of an individual business shall be borne by the individual's property if the business is operated by an individual or by the family's property if the business is operated by a family. If it is impossible to distinguish if any, the debts of the individual business shall be borne by the family's property.


The debts of a leaseholding farm household shall be borne by the property of the household that engages in the contractual management of rural land or by the property of partial members of a household who actually engage in the contractual management of rural land.


Chapter 3 Legal Persons

第一節 一般規定

Section 1 General Provisions

第五十七條   法人是具有民事權利能力和民事行為能力,依法獨立享有民事權利和承擔民事義務的組織。

Article 57 A legal person shall be an organization that has capacity for civil rights and capacity for civil conduct and independently enjoys civil rights and assumes civil obligations in accordance with the law.

第五十八條   法人應當依法成立。

Article 58 A legal person shall be established in accordance with the law.


A legal person shall have its own name, organizations, premises and property or funds. Specific conditions and procedures for establishing a legal person shall be subject to provisions stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.


Where the establishment of a legal person shall be approved by the relevant authorities according to the provisions of the laws and administrative regulations, such provisions shall apply.

第五十九條   法人的民事權利能力和民事行為能力,從法人成立時產生,到法人終止時消滅。

Article 59 A legal person's capacity for civil rights and capacity for civil conduct arise when a legal person is established and cease to exist when the legal person terminates.

第六十條   法人以其全部財產獨立承擔民事責任。

Article 60 A legal person shall independently assume civil liability with all of its property.

第六十一條   依照法律或者法人章程的規定,代表法人從事民事活動的負責人,為法人的法定代表人。

Article 61 In accordance with the law or the articles of association of a legal person, the responsible person who acts on behalf of a legal person in performing civil activities shall be its legal representative.


Where the legal representative of a legal person engages in civil activities under the name of the legal person, the legal consequences incurred shall be undertaken by the legal person.


The restriction on the scope of the legal representative's right of representation imposed by a legal person's articles of association or its authoritative body shall not challenge any bona fide other party.

第六十二條   法定代表人因執行職務造成他人損害的,由法人承擔民事責任。

Article 62 Where the legal representative of a legal person causes any damage to others while performing duties, the legal person shall assume the corresponding civil liability.


After the legal person has assumed civil liability, it may, in accordance with the law or its articles of association, claim compensation from the legal representative at fault.

第六十三條   法人以其主要辦事機構所在地為住所。依法需要辦理法人登記的,應當將主要辦事機構所在地登記為住所。

Article 63 A legal person's domicile shall be the place where its principal place of business is located. Where a legal person needs to be registered according to the law, it shall register the place where its principal place of business is located as its domicile.

第六十四條   法人存續期間登記事項發生變化的,應當依法向登記機關申請變更登記。

Article 64 Where any registered particular of a legal person changes during its existence, an application for change of registration shall be filed with the registration authority in accordance with the law.

第六十五條   法人的實際情況與登記的事項不一致的,不得對抗善意相對人。

Article 65 The actual situations of a legal person that are inconsistent with the registered particulars shall not challenge any bona fide other party.

第六十六條   登記機關應當依法及時公示法人登記的有關信息。

Article 66 The registration authorities shall promptly announce the relevant information registered by legal persons pursuant to the law.

第六十七條   法人合並的,其權利和義務由合並後的法人享有和承擔。

Article 67 If a legal person is merged, its rights and obligations are enjoyed and assumed by the legal person that results from the merger.


Where a legal person is divided, its rights and obligations are enjoyed and assumed by the legal person that results from the division jointly and severally, unless otherwise agreed upon by the creditor and the debtor.

第六十八條   有下列原因之一並依法完成清算、注銷登記的,法人終止:

Article 68 A legal person shall terminate under any of the following circumstances when it completes liquidation and cancellation of registration in accordance with the law:


1. The legal person is dissolved;


2. the legal person is declared bankrupt; or


(III) other reasons stipulated by the law.


Where the termination of a legal person shall be approved by the relevant authorities according to the provisions of the laws and administrative regulations, such provisions shall apply.

第六十九條   有下列情形之一的,法人解散:

Article 69 A legal person shall be dissolved under any of the following circumstances:


1. The existence period specified in the legal person's articles of association expires, or other causes of dissolution specified in the legal person's articles of association arise;


2. The legal person's authoritative body makes a resolution for the dissolution;


(III) The legal person is dissolved due to merger or division;


(IV) The legal person's business license or registration certificate is revoked according to the law, or the legal person is ordered to close down or is canceled; or


(V) Other circumstances stipulated by the law arise.

第七十條   法人解散的,除合並或者分立的情形外,清算義務人應當及時組成清算組進行清算。

Article 70 Where a legal person is dissolved, except for being merged or divided, the liquidation obligors shall establish a liquidation group to liquidate the legal person in a timely manner.


Members of a legal person's executive body or decision-making body, such as directors and council members, are the liquidation obligors. Where the laws and administrative regulations provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.


Where the liquidation obligors cause any damage as a result of their failure to fulfill their liquidation obligations in a timely manner, they shall bear civil liability; the competent authority or an interested person may petition the people's court to appoint persons concerned to establish a liquidation group to liquidate the legal person.

第七十一條   法人的清算程序和清算組職權,依照有關法律的規定;沒有規定的,參照適用公司法的有關規定。

Article 71 The liquidation procedures and the functions and powers of the liquidation group of a legal person shall be subject to provisions of the relevant laws; if no provisions are available, the relevant provisions of the Company Law shall apply mutatis mutandis.

第七十二條   清算期間法人存續,但是不得從事與清算無關的活動。

Article 72 A legal person shall continue in existence during liquidation, but shall not conduct any activity irrelevant to liquidation.


The residual property after the legal person is liquidated shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the legal person's articles of association or the resolution made by the legal person's authoritative body. Where the laws provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.


The legal person shall terminate when the liquidation is accomplished and such legal person is deregistered; if a legal person does not need to be registered according to the law, it shall terminate once the liquidation is accomplished.

第七十三條   法人被宣告破產的,依法進行破產清算並完成法人注銷登記時,法人終止。

Article 73 A legal person that is declared bankrupt shall terminate when its bankruptcy liquidation is accomplished and it is deregistered according to the law.

第七十四條   法人可以依法設立分支機構。法律、行政法規規定分支機構應當登記的,依照其規定。

Article 74 A legal person may establish its branches according to the law. Where the branches shall be registered in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, such provisions shall apply.


A branch shall bear the civil liability if it is engaged in civil activities in its own name; it is also possible that the property managed by the branch bears the civil liability and the legal person bears the remaining of it.

第七十五條   設立人為設立法人從事的民事活動,其法律後果由法人承受;法人未成立的,其法律後果由設立人承受,設立人為二人以上的,享有連帶債權,承擔連帶債務。

Article 75 For civil activities conducted by the founder for the purpose of establishing a legal person, the legal consequences incurred shall be undertaken by the legal person; if the founder fails to establish the legal person, the legal consequences incurred shall be undertaken by the founder; if two or more persons serve as the founder, they shall enjoy creditors' rights and assume debts jointly and severally.


Where a founder conducts civil activities in its own name for the purpose of establishing a legal person, the third party has the right to request the legal person or the founder to bear the civil liability arising therefrom.

第二節 營利法人

Section 2 For-profit Legal Persons

第七十六條   以取得利潤並分配給股東等出資人為目的成立的法人,為營利法人。

Article 76 A legal person established for the purpose of seeking profits and distributing the same to its shareholders and other investors is a profit-making legal person.


Profit-making legal persons shall include limited liability companies, joint stock limited companies and other enterprise legal persons.

第七十七條   營利法人經依法登記成立。

Article 77 A for-profit legal person is established by lawful registration.

第七十八條   依法設立的營利法人,由登記機關發給營利法人營業執照。營業執照簽發日期為營利法人的成立日期。

Article 78 For a profit-making legal person established according to the law, the registration authority shall issue the business license for a profit-making legal person. The date of issue of the business license shall be the date of establishment of the profit-making legal person.

第七十九條   設立營利法人應當依法制定法人章程。

Article 79 To establish a profit-making legal person, the legal person's articles of association shall be developed in accordance with the law.

第八十條   營利法人應當設權力機構。

Article 80 A profit-making legal person shall establish its authority body.


The authoritative body is responsible for exercising its functions and powers in modifying the articles of association of the legal person, electing or changing members of the executive body and supervision body, and other functions and powers set forth in the articles of association of the legal person.

第八十一條   營利法人應當設執行機構。

Article 81 A for-profit legal person shall establish its executive body.


The execution body is responsible for exercising its functions and powers in convening the meeting of the authority body, determining the legal person's business plans and investment programs, as well as setting up of internal management organizations and other functions and powers stipulated by the legal person's articles of association.


If a profit-making legal person's execution body is its board of directors or executive director, the chairman of the board of directors, executive director or manager shall act as the legal representative in accordance with the articles of association of the legal person; if the legal person has not set up the board of directors or executive director, the main responsible person as stipulated in the articles of association of the legal person shall be its execution body and legal representative.

第八十二條   營利法人設監事會或者監事等監督機構的,監督機構依法行使檢查法人財務,監督執行機構成員、高級管理人員執行法人職務的行為,以及法人章程規定的其他職權。

Article 82 If a profit-making legal person has set up a supervision body such as board of supervisors or supervisor, the supervision body shall legally exercise its functions and powers in inspecting the legal person's financial affairs and supervising the performance of duties in the legal person by members of the execution body and senior officers, and other functions and powers prescribed by the legal person's articles of association.

第八十三條   營利法人的出資人不得濫用出資人權利損害法人或者其他出資人的利益。濫用出資人權利給法人或者其他出資人造成損失的,應當依法承擔民事責任。

Article 83 No investor of a profit-making legal person may damage the interests of the legal person or other investors by abusing the investor's rights. Any investor of such legal person who causes losses to the legal person or other investors by abusing the investor's rights shall bear the relevant civil liability according to the law.


No investor of a profit-making legal person may damage the interests of any creditor of the legal person by abusing the independent status as a legal person or the limited liability of the investor. Any investor of the legal person who avoids debts and seriously damages the interests of any creditor of the legal person by abusing its independent status as a legal person or the limited liability of the investor shall be jointly liable for the legal person's debts.

第八十四條   營利法人的控股出資人、實際控制人、董事、監事、高級管理人員不得利用其關聯關系損害法人的利益。利用關聯關系給法人造成損失的,應當承擔賠償責任。

Article 84 The controlling capital contributories, actual controlling parties, directors, supervisors and senior management personnel of a profit-making legal person shall not make use of their relationships to harm the interests of the legal person. Compensation liability shall be assumed if losses are caused to the legal person by using the affiliated relationships.

第八十五條   營利法人的權力機構、執行機構作出決議的會議召集程序、表決方式違反法律、行政法規、法人章程,或者決議內容違反法人章程的,營利法人的出資人可以請求人民法院撤銷該決議,但是營利法人依據該決議與善意相對人形成的民事法律關系不受影響。

Article 85 If any procedure for convening a meeting or voting method adopted by a profit-making legal person's authoritative body or executive body through a resolution violates any laws, administrative regulations or the legal person's articles of association, or the content of the resolution violates the legal person's articles of association, the investor of the profit-making legal person may request a people's court to cancel such resolution, without prejudice to the civil legal relationship established between the profit-making legal person and any bona fide other party based on such resolution.

第八十六條   營利法人從事經營活動,應當遵守商業道德,維護交易安全,接受政府和社會的監督,承擔社會責任。

Article 86 To conduct business activities, a profit-making legal person shall comply with commercial ethics, maintain the safety of transactions, accept the supervision by the government and the public, and assume social responsibilities.

第三節 非營利法人

Section 3 Non-profit Legal Persons

第八十七條   為公益目的或者其他非營利目的成立,不向出資人、設立人或者會員分配所取得利潤的法人,為非營利法人。

Article 87 A legal person that is established for public welfare or other non-profit purposes and does not distribute profits to its investors, founders or members is a non-profit legal person.


Non-profit legal persons include public institutions, social organizations, foundations and social service organizations.

第八十八條   具備法人條件,為適應經濟社會發展需要,提供公益服務設立的事業單位,經依法登記成立,取得事業單位法人資格;依法不需要辦理法人登記的,從成立之日起,具有事業單位法人資格。

Article 88 A public institution which meets the requirements for a legal person and is established in order to meet the needs of economic and social development and provide public welfare services acquires the status of a public institution as a legal person after it is registered according to the law for its establishment; a public institution which does not need to be registered as a legal person according to the law shall have the status of a public institution as a legal person on the day when it is established.

第八十九條   事業單位法人設理事會的,除法律另有規定外,理事會為其決策機構。事業單位法人的法定代表人依照法律、行政法規或者法人章程的規定產生。

Article 89 Where a public institution as a legal person has established a council, the council is its decision-making body, unless otherwise provided by law. The legal representatives of institutions shall be formed in accordance with the provisions of laws, administrative regulations or the Articles of Association of the legal persons.

第九十條   具備法人條件,基於會員共同意願,為公益目的或者會員共同利益等非營利目的設立的社會團體,經依法登記成立,取得社會團體法人資格;依法不需要辦理法人登記的,從成立之日起,具有社會團體法人資格。

Article 90 A social organization which meets the requirements for a legal person and is established based on the common will of its members for public welfare or common interests of its members and other non-profit purposes acquires the status of social organization as a legal person after it is registered lawfully for its establishment; a social organization which does not need to be registered as a legal person according to the law shall have the status of social organization as a legal person on the day when it is established.

第九十一條   設立社會團體法人應當依法制定法人章程。

Article 91 To establish a social organization as a legal person, the legal person's articles of association shall be developed in accordance with the law.


A social organization as a legal person shall establish its authority body such as membership assembly or membership representative congress.


A social organization as a legal person shall establish its execution body such as council. The responsible person such as the general director or the president shall act as the legal representative in accordance with the legal person's articles of association.

第九十二條   具備法人條件,為公益目的以捐助財產設立的基金會、社會服務機構等,經依法登記成立,取得捐助法人資格。

Article 92 A foundation or social service organization which meets the requirements for a legal person and is established with donated property for public welfare purposes acquires the status of a legal person of donation after it is registered lawfully for its establishment.


A venue for religious activities which is established according to the law and meets the requirements for a legal person may apply for registration as a legal person and acquire the status of a legal person of donation. Where there are provisions stipulated by the laws and administrative regulations on religious activities, such provisions shall apply.

第九十三條   設立捐助法人應當依法制定法人章程。

Article 93 To establish a legal person of donation, the legal person's articles of association shall be developed in accordance with the law.


A legal person of donation shall establish its decision-making body such as council or democratic management organization, as well as executive body. The responsible person such as the general director shall act as the legal representative in accordance with the legal person's articles of association.


A legal person of donation shall establish its supervision body such as board of supervisors.

第九十四條   捐助人有權向捐助法人查詢捐助財產的使用、管理情況,並提出意見和建議,捐助法人應當及時、如實答複。

Article 94 Donators are entitled to turn to the legal person of donation for inquiries about the use and management of the donated property, and give their opinions and proposals. The legal person of donation shall timely and truthfully reply the inquiries.


Where the decision-making procedures of the decision-making body, execution body or legal representative of a legal person of donation violate laws, administrative regulations or the legal person's articles of association, or the content of such decision violates the legal person's articles of association, interested persons such as the donators or the competent authority may apply to the people's court for revocation of such decision, without prejudice to the civil legal relation established between the legal person of donation and any bona fide other party based on such decision.

第九十五條   為公益目的成立的非營利法人終止時,不得向出資人、設立人或者會員分配剩餘財產。剩餘財產應當按照法人章程的規定或者權力機構的決議用於公益目的;無法按照法人章程的規定或者權力機構的決議處理的,由主管機關主持轉給宗旨相同或者相近的法人,並向社會公告。

Article 95 When a non-profit legal person established for public welfare purposes terminates, it shall not distribute its remaining property to its investors, founders or members. The remaining property shall be used for public welfare purposes in accordance with the articles of association of the legal person or the resolution made by the authority body; where it is impossible to dispose of such property in accordance with the articles of association of the legal person or the resolution made by the authority body, the competent authority shall take charge of transferring the remaining property to other legal persons with the same or similar purposes, and publish the same to the public.

第四節 特別法人

Section 4 Special Legal Entities

第九十六條   本節規定的機關法人、農村集體經濟組織法人、城鎮農村的合作經濟組織法人、基層群眾性自治組織法人,為特別法人。

Article 96 Special legal persons refer to official organs, rural collective economic organizations, urban and rural cooperative economic organizations and grass-roots self-governing mass organizations as legal persons as prescribed in this Section.

第九十七條   有獨立經費的機關和承擔行政職能的法定機構從成立之日起,具有機關法人資格,可以從事為履行職能所需要的民事活動。

Article 97 An independently funded official organ or a statutory body with administrative functions acquires the status of an official organ as a legal person on the day when it is established and is allowed to conduct civil activities necessary for the performance of its functions.

第九十八條   機關法人被撤銷的,法人終止,其民事權利和義務由繼任的機關法人享有和承擔;沒有繼任的機關法人的,由作出撤銷決定的機關法人享有和承擔。

Article 98 Where an official organ as a legal person is canceled, the legal person shall terminate and its civil rights and obligations shall be enjoyed and assumed by the successor official organ as a legal person; if there is no successor official organ as a legal person, the official organ as a legal person that makes the decision on cancellation shall enjoy rights and assume obligations.

第九十九條   農村集體經濟組織依法取得法人資格。

Article 99 A rural collective economic organization shall obtain the status of a legal person according to the law.


Where there are provisions stipulated by the laws and administrative regulations on rural collective economic organizations, such provisions shall apply.

第一百條   城鎮農村的合作經濟組織依法取得法人資格。

Article 100 An urban or rural cooperative economic organization shall obtain the status of a legal person according to the law.


Where there are provisions stipulated by the laws and administrative regulations on urban or rural cooperative economic organizations, such provisions shall apply.

第一百零一條   居民委員會、村民委員會具有基層群眾性自治組織法人資格,可以從事為履行職能所需要的民事活動。

Article 101 A neighborhood committee or village committee has the status of a grass-roots self-governing mass organization as a legal person and is allowed to conduct civil activities necessary for the performance of its functions.


Where no village collective economic organization is established, a villagers' committee may perform the functions of a village collective economic organization in accordance with the law.

第四章 非法人組織

Chapter 4 Non-incorporated organisations

第一百零二條   非法人組織是不具有法人資格,但是能夠依法以自己的名義從事民事活動的組織。

Article 102 An unincorporated association is an association that is not qualified as a legal person but is able to engage in civil activities in its own name according to the law.


Unincorporated associations include the sole proprietorship enterprises, partnership enterprises and professional service organizations not qualified as a legal person.

第一百零三條   非法人組織應當依照法律的規定登記。

Article 103 An unincorporated association shall be registered as prescribed by the law.


Where the establishment of an unincorporated association shall be approved by the relevant authorities according to the provisions of the laws and administrative regulations, such provisions shall apply.

第一百零四條   非法人組織的財產不足以清償債務的,其出資人或者設立人承擔無限責任。法律另有規定的,依照其規定。

Article 104 Where the property of an unincorporated association is insufficient to pay off its debts, its investors or founders shall bear unlimited liability. Where the laws provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.

第一百零五條   非法人組織可以確定一人或者數人代表該組織從事民事活動。

Article 105 An unincorporated association may choose one or more persons to engage in civil activities on its behalf.

第一百零六條   有下列情形之一的,非法人組織解散:

Article 106 An unincorporated association shall be dissolved under any of the following circumstances:


1. the existence period specified in the articles of association expires, or other causes of dissolution specified in the articles of association arise;


2. Its investors or founders decide to dissolve it; or


(III) Other circumstances stipulated by the law arise.

第一百零七條   非法人組織解散的,應當依法進行清算。

Article 107 The dissolved non-incorporated organisations shall conduct liquidation according to law.

第一百零八條   非法人組織除適用本章規定外,參照適用本法第三章第一節的有關規定。

Article 108 In addition to the provisions of this Chapter, the relevant provisions prescribed in Section 1 of Chapter III of this Law shall apply mutatis mutandis to unincorporated associations.

第五章 民事權利

Chapter 5 Civil Rights

第一百零九條   自然人的人身自由、人格尊嚴受法律保護。

Article 109 The personal freedom and human dignity of a natural person shall be protected by the law.

第一百一十條   自然人享有生命權、身體權、健康權、姓名權、肖像權、名譽權、榮譽權、隱私權、婚姻自主權等權利。

Article 110 A natural person enjoys the rights to life, body, health, personal name, portrait, reputation, honor, privacy, and marry by choice, and other rights.


A legal person or an unincorporated association enjoys the rights to name, reputation and honor, and other rights.

第一百一十一條   自然人的個人信息受法律保護。任何組織和個人需要獲取他人個人信息的,應當依法取得並確保信息安全,不得非法收集、使用、加工、傳輸他人個人信息,不得非法買賣、提供或者公開他人個人信息。

Article 111 The personal information of a natural person shall be protected by the law. Any organization or individual shall obtain the personal information of others in accordance with the law when necessary and ensure information security. No organization or individual may illegally collect, use, process or transmit the personal information of others, or illegally buy or sell, provide or disclose the personal information of others.

第一百一十二條   自然人因婚姻、家庭關系等產生的人身權利受法律保護。

Article 112 Personal rights of a natural person that arise from marriage and family relations shall be protected by the law.

第一百一十三條   民事主體的財產權利受法律平等保護。

Article 113 The property rights of civil subjects shall receive equal protection under the law.

第一百一十四條   民事主體依法享有物權。

Article 114 A civil subject enjoys real rights in accordance with the law.


Real right is the exclusive right of the right holder, including ownership, usufruct and security rights.

第一百一十五條   物包括不動產和動產。法律規定權利作為物權客體的,依照其規定。

Article 115 Property shall include immovables and movables. Where rights are deemed as the objects of real rights by provisions of the law, such provisions shall apply.

第一百一十六條   物權的種類和內容,由法律規定。

Article 116 The varieties and contents of real rights shall be prescribed by law.

第一百一十七條   為了公共利益的需要,依照法律規定的權限和程序征收、征用不動產或者動產的,應當給予公平、合理的補償。

Article 117 Fair and reasonable compensation shall be paid if any immovable or movable is expropriated or acquired for public interest in accordance with the authority and procedures prescribed by the law.

第一百一十八條   民事主體依法享有債權。

Article 118 A civil subject enjoys creditors' rights in accordance with the law.


The creditor's right refers to the right possessed by a right holder to require a specific obligor to perform or not to perform certain obligations arising from contracts, torts, negotiorum gestio and unjust enrichment, and other provisions of the law.

第一百一十九條   依法成立的合同,對當事人具有法律約束力。

Article 119 A contract entered into in accordance with the law is legally binding on the parties concerned.

第一百二十條   民事權益受到侵害的,被侵權人有權請求侵權人承擔侵權責任。

Article 120 In the case of any infringement of civil rights and interests, the infringed is entitled to request the infringer to assume the liability for such infringement.

第一百二十一條   沒有法定的或者約定的義務,為避免他人利益受損失而進行管理的人,有權請求受益人償還由此支出的必要費用。

Article 121 A person, who manages affairs for the purpose of preventing the loss of another person's interests without a statutory or contractual obligation, has the right to request the beneficiary to reimburse the necessary expenses incurred.

第一百二十二條   因他人沒有法律根據,取得不當利益,受損失的人有權請求其返還不當利益。

Article 122 For any unjust enrichment without legal basis, the persons who suffer loss have the right to request the return of such unjust enrichment.

第一百二十三條   民事主體依法享有知識產權。

Article 123 A civil subject enjoys intellectual property rights in accordance with the law.


Intellectual property is the exclusive right of the owner in respect of the following objects in accordance with law:


1. works;


2. inventions, utility models and designs;


(III) trademarks;


(IV) geographical indications;


(V) Trade secrets;


(VI) layout designs of integrated circuits;


(VII) new varieties of plants;


(VIII) other objects specified by the law.

第一百二十四條   自然人依法享有繼承權。

Article 124 A natural person enjoys the right to inheritance in accordance with the law.


A natural person's lawful private property may be inherited in accordance with the law.

第一百二十五條   民事主體依法享有股權和其他投資性權利。

Article 125 A civil subject enjoys stock rights and other investment rights in accordance with the law.

第一百二十六條   民事主體享有法律規定的其他民事權利和利益。

Article 126 A civil subject enjoys other civil rights and interests specified by the law.

第一百二十七條   法律對數據、網絡虛擬財產的保護有規定的,依照其規定。

Article 127 Where the law contains provisions in respect of the protection of data and network virtual property, such provisions shall apply.

第一百二十八條   法律對未成年人、老年人、殘疾人、婦女、消費者等的民事權利保護有特別規定的,依照其規定。

Article 128 Where certain laws have special provisions to protect the civil rights of minors, the elderly, the disabled, women and consumers, such provisions shall apply.

第一百二十九條   民事權利可以依據民事法律行為、事實行為、法律規定的事件或者法律規定的其他方式取得。

Article 129 Civil rights may be obtained based on civil juristic acts, factual behaviors, events or other ways prescribed by the law.

第一百三十條   民事主體按照自己的意願依法行使民事權利,不受幹涉。

Article 130 Civil subjects shall, at their own will, exercise civil rights in accordance with the law without interference.

第一百三十一條   民事主體行使權利時,應當履行法律規定的和當事人約定的義務。

Article 131 When the civil subjects exercise their rights, they shall fulfill the obligations stipulated by law and agreed by the parties.

第一百三十二條   民事主體不得濫用民事權利損害國家利益、社會公共利益或者他人合法權益。

Article 132 No civil subject may damage the national interests, public interests or the legitimate rights and interests of others by abuse of civil rights.

第六章 民事法律行為

Chapter 6 Civil Juristic Acts

第一節 一般規定

Section 1 General Provisions

第一百三十三條   民事法律行為是民事主體通過意思表示設立、變更、終止民事法律關系的行為。

Article 133 A civil juristic act shall be the act of a civil subject to establish, change or terminate a civil juristic relationship through expression of intent.

第一百三十四條   民事法律行為可以基於雙方或者多方的意思表示一致成立,也可以基於單方的意思表示成立。

Article 134 A civil juristic act may be instituted either based on the unanimous expression of intention made by two or more parties, or based on the expression of intention made by one party.


A resolution of a legal person or an unincorporated association shall be instituted when it is made according to the discussion methods and voting procedures stipulated by the law or by its articles of association.

第一百三十五條   民事法律行為可以采用書面形式、口頭形式或者其他形式;法律、行政法規規定或者當事人約定采用特定形式的,應當采用特定形式。

Article 135 A civil juristic act may be in written, oral or other forms. If the law or administrative regulation stipulates or the parties concerned agree that a particular form shall be adopted, such form shall be adopted.

第一百三十六條   民事法律行為自成立時生效,但是法律另有規定或者當事人另有約定的除外。

Article 136 A civil juristic act shall become effective once it is instituted, unless otherwise stipulated by the law or agreed between the parties concerned.


An actor may not alter or rescind his or her civil juristic act except in accordance with the law or with the other party's consent.

第二節 意思表示

Section 2 Expression of Intention

第一百三十七條   以對話方式作出的意思表示,相對人知道其內容時生效。

Article 137 An expression of intent made verbally shall become effective at the time when the other party knows its contents.


The expression of intention made in a way other than dialogue is effective when it reaches the relative person. If an expression of intent is made in the form of a data message other than verbal communication, and the other party has designated a specific system to receive the data message, the data message shall become effective at the time when it enters the specific system designated; if no specific system is designated, the data message shall become effective at the time when the other party knows or should have known that the data message has entered the system. Where the parties concerned have otherwise agreed as to the time when the expression of intent made in the form of a data message becomes effective, such agreement shall apply.

第一百三十八條   無相對人的意思表示,表示完成時生效。法律另有規定的,依照其規定。

Article 138 An expression of intent that is not made to a specific party shall become effective once it is made. Where the laws provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.

第一百三十九條   以公告方式作出的意思表示,公告發布時生效。

Article 139 An expression of intent made in the form of an announcement shall become effective once it is announced.

第一百四十條   行為人可以明示或者默示作出意思表示。

Article 140 An actor may make an expression of intent explicitly or impliedly.


The implication shall be deemed an expression of intent only when it is stipulated by the law or agreed by the parties concerned, or conforms to the transaction practices as adopted between the parties concerned.

第一百四十一條   行為人可以撤回意思表示。撤回意思表示的通知應當在意思表示到達相對人前或者與意思表示同時到達相對人。

Article 141 An actor may withdraw its expression of intent. The notification to withdraw the expression of intent shall reach the other party before or at the same time when the expression of intent reaches the other party.

第一百四十二條   有相對人的意思表示的解釋,應當按照所使用的詞句,結合相關條款、行為的性質和目的、習慣以及誠信原則,確定意思表示的含義。

Article 142 The meaning of an expression of intent that is made to a certain party shall be interpreted according to the literal meaning of words used and in combination with the relevant articles, nature and purpose of the act, usual practices, and the principle of good faith.


In the interpretation of an expression of intent that is made not to a specific party, the real intention of an actor shall be sought rather than the literal meaning of words used and also by considering the relevant articles, nature and purpose of the act, usual practices, and the principle of good faith.

第三節 民事法律行為的效力

Section 3 Validity of Civil Juristic Acts

第一百四十三條   具備下列條件的民事法律行為有效:

Article 143 A valid civil juristic act shall meet the following requirements:


1. the actor has relevant capacity for civil conduct;


2. the intention expressed is genuine; and


(III) such act does not violate the compulsory provisions of laws and administrative regulations or the public order and good morals.

第一百四十四條   無民事行為能力人實施的民事法律行為無效。

Article 144 The civil juristic acts performed by a person who has no capacity for civil conduct shall be null and void.

第一百四十五條   限制民事行為能力人實施的純獲利益的民事法律行為或者與其年齡、智力、精神健康狀況相適應的民事法律行為有效;實施的其他民事法律行為經法定代理人同意或者追認後有效。

Article 145 A civil juristic act performed by a person who has limited capacity for civil conduct shall be valid provided such act relates to the pure acquisition of benefits or is made according to his or her age, intelligence and mental health; other civil juristic acts performed by such person may become valid upon consent or acknowledgment of his or her agent ad litem.


The other party may urge the agent ad litem to make acknowledgment within one month upon receipt of the notice. Where the statutory agent does not respond, subsequent confirmation shall be deemed to have been refused. Before the acknowledgment of the civil juristic act, the bona fide other party has the right to revoke it. The revocation shall be made by giving a notice.

第一百四十六條   行為人與相對人以虛假的意思表示實施的民事法律行為無效。

Article 146 Where an actor and another party perform a civil juristic act by making a false expression of intent, such act shall be null and void.


The validity of a civil juristic act concealed by giving a false expression of intent shall be dealt with according to relevant provisions of the law.

第一百四十七條   基於重大誤解實施的民事法律行為,行為人有權請求人民法院或者仲裁機構予以撤銷。

Article 147 For a civil juristic act that is performed based on a substantial misunderstanding, the actor has the right to request a people's court or an arbitral institution to revoke such act.

第一百四十八條   一方以欺詐手段,使對方在違背真實意思的情況下實施的民事法律行為,受欺詐方有權請求人民法院或者仲裁機構予以撤銷。

Article 148 For a civil juristic act that is performed by a party against his or her real intention as a result of fraud committed by another party, the party has the right to request a people's court or an arbitral institution to revoke such act.

第一百四十九條   第三人實施欺詐行為,使一方在違背真實意思的情況下實施的民事法律行為,對方知道或者應當知道該欺詐行為的,受欺詐方有權請求人民法院或者仲裁機構予以撤銷。

Article 149 In the event that a civil juristic act is performed by a party against his or her real intention as a result of fraud committed by the third party, the party may request a people's court or an arbitral institution to revoke such act only under the circumstance that the other party knows or might know about the fraud.

第一百五十條   一方或者第三人以脅迫手段,使對方在違背真實意思的情況下實施的民事法律行為,受脅迫方有權請求人民法院或者仲裁機構予以撤銷。

Article 150 For a civil juristic act that is performed by a party against his or her real intention as a result of coercion by another party or a third party, the party coerced has the right to request a people's court or an arbitral institution to revoke such act.

第一百五十一條   一方利用對方處於危困狀態、缺乏判斷能力等情形,致使民事法律行為成立時顯失公平的,受損害方有權請求人民法院或者仲裁機構予以撤銷。

Article 151 Where a civil juristic act is obviously unfair when instituted by a party making use of another party's dangerous or unfavorable position or lack of judgment, the aggrieved party has the right to request a people's court or an arbitral institution to revoke such act.

第一百五十二條   有下列情形之一的,撤銷權消滅:

Article 152 The right of revocation shall lapse under any of the following circumstances:


1. the party concerned or the party concerned with gross misunderstanding does not exercise his or her right of revocation within one year or three months from the date when he or she knows or should have known the cause for revocation;


2. the party coerced does not exercise his or her right of revocation within one year from the date when the coercion ceases;


3. the party concerned waives his or her right of revocation by an explicit statement or by his or her own act after he or she knows the cause for revocation.


Where the party concerned does not exercise his or her right of revocation within five years from the date when the civil juristic act is performed, the right of revocation shall be extinguished.

第一百五十三條   違反法律、行政法規的強制性規定的民事法律行為無效,但是該強制性規定不導致該民事法律行為無效的除外。

Article 153 A civil juristic act that violates the mandatory provisions of laws and administrative regulations shall be null and void, except where the mandatory provisions do not result in the invalidity of such civil juristic act.


A civil juristic act against public order and good morals is invalid.

第一百五十四條   行為人與相對人惡意串通,損害他人合法權益的民事法律行為無效。

Article 154 Where an actor colludes with another party to perform a civil juristic act that damages others' legitimate rights and interests, such act shall be null and void.

第一百五十五條   無效的或者被撤銷的民事法律行為自始沒有法律約束力。

Article 155 Civil juristic acts that are null and void or revoked shall not be legally binding from the very beginning.

第一百五十六條   民事法律行為部分無效,不影響其他部分效力的,其他部分仍然有效。

Article 156 If a part of a civil juristic act is null and void but it does not affect the validity of other parts, such other parts shall remain valid.

第一百五十七條   民事法律行為無效、被撤銷或者確定不發生效力後,行為人因該行為取得的財產,應當予以返還;不能返還或者沒有必要返還的,應當折價補償。有過錯的一方應當賠償對方由此所受到的損失;各方都有過錯的,應當各自承擔相應的責任。法律另有規定的,依照其規定。

Article 157 When a civil juristic act becomes null and void, or has been revoked or has been determined as having no binding force, the actor who acquired property as a result of such act shall return the same; if it is impossible or unnecessary to return such property, compensation shall be made at an estimated price. The party at fault shall compensate the other party for the loss it suffers as a result of the act; if both parties have faults, they shall bear the corresponding responsibilities respectively. Where the laws provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.

第四節 民事法律行為的附條件和附期限

Section 4 Civil Juristic Acts with Conditions and Time Limits

第一百五十八條   民事法律行為可以附條件,但是按照其性質不得附條件的除外。附生效條件的民事法律行為,自條件成就時生效。附解除條件的民事法律行為,自條件成就時失效。

Article 158 A civil juristic act may be subject to conditions, except that conditions are not allowed to be imposed according to the nature of the civil juristic act. If a civil juristic act is subject to a condition on its entry into effect, it becomes effective upon fulfillment of the condition. If a civil juristic act is subject to a condition for its dissolution, it ceases to be effective upon fulfillment of the condition.

第一百五十九條   附條件的民事法律行為,當事人為自己的利益不正當地阻止條件成就的,視為條件已成就;不正當地促成條件成就的,視為條件不成就。

Article 159 For a conditional civil juristic act, if a party concerned prevents the fulfillment of a condition by improper means for the sake of its own interests, the condition shall be deemed to have been fulfilled; where a party concerned hastens the fulfillment of a condition by improper means, the condition shall be deemed not to have been fulfilled.

第一百六十條   民事法律行為可以附期限,但是按照其性質不得附期限的除外。附生效期限的民事法律行為,自期限屆至時生效。附終止期限的民事法律行為,自期限屆滿時失效。

Article 160 A civil juristic act may be subject to a time limit, except that the time limit is not allowed to be imposed according to the nature of the civil juristic act. If a civil juristic act is subject to a time limit on its effectiveness, it becomes effective upon expiration of the time limit. The civil juristic acts with termination period shall be invalid upon expiration of the period.


Chapter 7 Agency

第一節 一般規定

Section 1 General Provisions

第一百六十一條   民事主體可以通過代理人實施民事法律行為。

Article 161 A civil subject may perform civil juristic acts through agents.


Civil juristic acts that shall be performed by the principal himself or herself pursuant to legal provisions or the agreement between the parties or the nature of such civil juristic acts, shall not be performed through an agent.

第一百六十二條   代理人在代理權限內,以被代理人名義實施的民事法律行為,對被代理人發生效力。

Article 162 Civil juristic acts that are performed by an agent in the name of the principal within the scope of the power of agency shall have binding force on the principal.

第一百六十三條   代理包括委托代理和法定代理。

Article 163 Agency shall include entrusted agency and statutory agency.


An entrusted agent shall exercise the power of agency as entrusted by the principal. The statutory agent shall exercise the power of agency in accordance with the law.

第一百六十四條   代理人不履行或者不完全履行職責,造成被代理人損害的,應當承擔民事責任。

Article 164 Where an agent fails to perform or does not fully perform his or her duties, thereby causing damage to the principal, the agent shall undertake civil liability.


If an agent and the other party commit malicious collusion, thereby harming the principal's legitimate rights and interests, the agent and the other party shall be held jointly liable.

第二節 委托代理

Section 2 Proxies

第一百六十五條   委托代理授權采用書面形式的,授權委托書應當載明代理人的姓名或者名稱、代理事項、權限和期間,並由被代理人簽名或者蓋章。

Article 165 Where a civil juristic act is entrusted to an agent in written form, the power of attorney shall clearly state the agent's name, the entrusted matters and the scope and duration of the power of agency, and be signed or sealed by the principal.

第一百六十六條   數人為同一代理事項的代理人的,應當共同行使代理權,但是當事人另有約定的除外。

Article 166 Where a matter is entrusted to several agents, all of such agents shall exercise the power of agency jointly, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

第一百六十七條   代理人知道或者應當知道代理事項違法仍然實施代理行為,或者被代理人知道或者應當知道代理人的代理行為違法未作反對表示的,被代理人和代理人應當承擔連帶責任。

Article 167 If an agent knows or should have known that the matters entrusted are illegal but still exercises the agency power, or if a principal knows or should have known that his or her agent's acts are illegal but fails to raise an objection, the principal and the agent shall be held jointly liable.

第一百六十八條   代理人不得以被代理人的名義與自己實施民事法律行為,但是被代理人同意或者追認的除外。

Article 168 An agent shall not perform a civil juristic act in the name of the principal with himself or herself, unless otherwise with the consent or acknowledgment of the principal.


An agent shall not perform a civil juristic act in the name of the principal with any other party who entrusts such agent simultaneously, unless otherwise with the consent or acknowledgment of both principals.

第一百六十九條   代理人需要轉委托第三人代理的,應當取得被代理人的同意或者追認。

Article 169 Where an agent needs to transfer its agency to a third party, he or she shall seek the consent or acknowledgment from the principal.


With the consent or acknowledgment of the principal regarding the transfer of agency, the principal may directly instruct the third party to whom the agency has been transferred the matters entrusted, and the agent shall only bear the liability for the selection of the third party and the instructions to the third party.


Without the consent or acknowledgement of the principal regarding the transfer of agency, the agent shall bear the liability for the acts of the third party to whom the agency has been transferred, except where it is necessary for the agent to transfer the agency to a third party in an emergency in order to safeguard the interests of the principal.

第一百七十條   執行法人或者非法人組織工作任務的人員,就其職權範圍內的事項,以法人或者非法人組織的名義實施民事法律行為,對法人或者非法人組織發生效力。

Article 170 Where a person who performs work tasks for a legal person or an unincorporated association performs civil juristic acts related to matters within his or her scope of functions and powers in the name of the legal person or the unincorporated association, such acts shall have binding force on such legal person or unincorporated association.


Any restrictions imposed by the legal person or unincorporated association on the scope of functions and powers of the person performing work tasks for the legal person or unincorporated association shall not be a valid defense against any bona fide other party.

第一百七十一條   行為人沒有代理權、超越代理權或者代理權終止後,仍然實施代理行為,未經被代理人追認的,對被代理人不發生效力。

Article 171 Any acts of agency continually performed by an actor without the power of agency, beyond the scope of his or her power of agency or after his or her power of agency has expired shall not be binding on the principal without the acknowledgment of such principal.


The other party may urge the principal to make acknowledgment within one month upon receipt of the notice. Where the principal does not respond, subsequent confirmation shall be deemed to have been refused. Before the acknowledgment of the acts performed by an actor, the bona fide other party has the right of revocation. The revocation shall be made by giving a notice.


If such conducts are not recognised, the counterparties in good faith have the right to request persons of civil conduct to perform their obligations or to compensate for the damages suffered, but the scope of compensation shall not exceed the benefits that can be acquired by the counterparties at the time of confirmation by the principals.


Where the other party knows or should have known that the actor has no power of agency, the other party and the actor shall respectively bear the liability according to their own faults.

第一百七十二條   行為人沒有代理權、超越代理權或者代理權終止後,仍然實施代理行為,相對人有理由相信行為人有代理權的,代理行為有效。

Article 172 For any acts of agency continually performed by an actor without the power of agency, beyond the scope of his or her power of agency or after his or her power of agency has expired, such acts of agency shall be valid if the other party has reasons to believe that the actor has the power of agency.

第三節 代理終止

Section 3 Termination of Agency

第一百七十三條   有下列情形之一的,委托代理終止:

Article 173 An entrusted agency shall be terminated under any of the following circumstances:


1. the term of agency expires or the matters entrusted are completed;


2. the principal dissolves the entrustment or the agent declines the entrustment;


3. when the agent loses his or her capacity for civil conduct;


(IV) when the agent or the principal dies;


(V) a legal person or an unincorporated association acting as the principal or an agent is terminated.

第一百七十四條   被代理人死亡後,有下列情形之一的,委托代理人實施的代理行為有效:

Article 174 The acts of agency performed by an entrusted agent after the principal dies shall be valid under any of the following circumstances:


1. the agent does not know and should not have known that the principal has died;


(II) Where the successors of the principal acknowledge such acts;


(III) the power of attorney explicitly states that the power of agency shall terminate upon completion of the entrusted matters; or


(IV) Where such acts have been performed before the principal dies and continue for the sake of the principal's successors.


Where a legal person or an unincorporated association acting as the principal is terminated, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply.

第一百七十五條   有下列情形之一的,法定代理終止:

Article 175 The statutory agency shall be terminated under any of the following circumstances:


1. the principal obtains or recovers the full capacity for civil conduct;


2. when the agent loses his or her capacity for civil conduct;


(III) when the agent or the principal dies;


(IV) Other circumstances stipulated by the law arise.

第八章 民事責任

Chapter 8 Civil Liability

第一百七十六條   民事主體依照法律規定和當事人約定,履行民事義務,承擔民事責任。

Article 176 A civil subject shall fulfill his or her civil obligations and bear civil liability in accordance with provisions of the law and agreements reached between the parties concerned.

第一百七十七條   二人以上依法承擔按份責任,能夠確定責任大小的,各自承擔相應的責任;難以確定責任大小的,平均承擔責任。

Article 177 Where two or more persons share civil liability according to the law, they shall bear the corresponding civil liability respectively if their respective liability can be determined; or evenly undertake civil liability if it is difficult to determine their respective liability.

第一百七十八條   二人以上依法承擔連帶責任的,權利人有權請求部分或者全部連帶責任人承擔責任。

Article 178 Where two or more persons are jointly held liable according to the law, the obligee is entitled to request part or all of the persons jointly held liable to bear the relevant liability.


The share of liability of persons jointly held liable shall be determined according to the proportion of their respective liability; and they shall evenly undertake the liability if it is difficult to determine the proportion of their respective liability. Where the liability actually borne by a person jointly held liable exceeds his or her share of liability, he or she is entitled to claim compensation from other persons jointly held liable.


Joint liability shall be provided by the law or agreed by the parties.

第一百七十九條   承擔民事責任的方式主要有:

Article 179 Civil liability can be borne mainly in the following ways:


1. cessation of infringement;


(II) Removal of obstacles;


(III) elimination of dangers;


(IV) return of property;


(V) restoration to the original state;


(VI) repair, reworking or replacement;


(VII) Continuous performance;


(VIII) compensation for losses;


(IX) payment of damages for breach of contract;


(X) elimination of ill effects and rehabilitation of reputation; and


(XI) extension of apology.


Where the law contains provisions on punitive damages, such provisions shall apply.


The ways for bearing civil liability set forth in this Article may be applied exclusively or concurrently.

第一百八十條   因不可抗力不能履行民事義務的,不承擔民事責任。法律另有規定的,依照其規定。

Article 180 If the failure to fulfill civil obligations is caused by force majeure, no civil liability shall be borne. Where the laws provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.


Force majeure means unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable objective conditions.

第一百八十一條   因正當防衛造成損害的,不承擔民事責任。

Article 181 A person who causes harm in exercising a justifiable defense shall not bear civil liability.


If justifiable defence exceeds the limits of necessity and undue harm is caused, the person exercising justifiable defence shall bear appropriate civil liability.

第一百八十二條   因緊急避險造成損害的,由引起險情發生的人承擔民事責任。

Article 182 If an injury is caused by an action taken to avoid an imminent danger, the person who gave rise to such danger shall bear civil liability.


If the danger arose from natural causes, the person acting to avoid such danger shall not bear civil liability, and may pay reasonable compensation.


If the action taken to avoid such danger is improper or exceeds the limits of necessity and undue harm is caused, the person acting to avoid such danger shall bear civil liability on a reasonable basis.

第一百八十三條   因保護他人民事權益使自己受到損害的,由侵權人承擔民事責任,受益人可以給予適當補償。沒有侵權人、侵權人逃逸或者無力承擔民事責任,受害人請求補償的,受益人應當給予適當補償。

Article 183 Where a person acts in order to protect any other's civil rights and interests, thereby harming himself or herself, the infringer shall bear civil liability and the beneficiary may pay reasonable compensation. Where there is no infringer, the infringer has fled or is unable to bear civil liability, the beneficiary shall pay reasonable compensation if the victim requests compensation.

第一百八十四條   因自願實施緊急救助行為造成受助人損害的,救助人不承擔民事責任。

Article 184 A person who causes harm to any recipient in volunteering to provide emergency relief shall not bear civil liability.

第一百八十五條   侵害英雄烈士等的姓名、肖像、名譽、榮譽,損害社會公共利益的,應當承擔民事責任。

Article 185 A person who damages the social and public interests by infringing upon the name, portrait, reputation and honor of a hero or a martyr shall bear civil liability.

第一百八十六條   因當事人一方的違約行為,損害對方人身權益、財產權益的,受損害方有權選擇請求其承擔違約責任或者侵權責任。

Article 186 Where a party concerned breaches an agreement, thus causing harm to the other party's personal or property rights and interests, the aggrieved party has the right to request such party to assume the liability for the breach or for the infringement.

第一百八十七條   民事主體因同一行為應當承擔民事責任、行政責任和刑事責任的,承擔行政責任或者刑事責任不影響承擔民事責任;民事主體的財產不足以支付的,優先用於承擔民事責任。

Article 187 Where a civil subject shall bear civil liability, administrative liability and criminal liability simultaneously for a single act, the administrative liability or criminal liability borne does not affect the civil liability to be borne; where the civil subject's property is insufficient to make payment, civil liability shall be borne in priority.

第九章 訴訟時效

Chapter 9 Limitation of actions

第一百八十八條   向人民法院請求保護民事權利的訴訟時效期間為三年。法律另有規定的,依照其規定。

Article 188 The limitation of action regarding applications to a people's court for protection of civil rights shall be three years. Where the laws provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail.


A limitation of action shall run from the date when an obligee knows or should have known that his or her rights have been infringed and who the obligor is. Where the laws provide otherwise, such provisions shall prevail. However, the people's court shall not protect his or her rights if 20 years have passed since the infringement. Under special circumstances, the people's court may decide to extend the limitation of action upon application filed by the obligee.

第一百八十九條   當事人約定同一債務分期履行的,訴訟時效期間自最後一期履行期限屆滿之日起計算。

Article 189 Where the parties concerned have agreed that the same obligation will be performed in installments, the limitation of action shall run from the date when the time limit for payment of the last installment expires.

第一百九十條   無民事行為能力人或者限制民事行為能力人對其法定代理人的請求權的訴訟時效期間,自該法定代理終止之日起計算。

Article 190 The limitation of action for the right of claim between a person who has no or limited capacity for civil conduct and his or her statutory agent shall run from the date when the statutory agency is terminated.

第一百九十一條   未成年人遭受性侵害的損害賠償請求權的訴訟時效期間,自受害人年滿十八周歲之日起計算。

Article 191 The limitation of action for the right of claim for compensation for damage of a minor who suffers from sexual assault shall run from the date when the victim reaches the age of 18.

第一百九十二條   訴訟時效期間屆滿的,義務人可以提出不履行義務的抗辯。

Article 192 When the limitation of action expires, an obligor may raise a plea of not fulfilling his or her obligations.


If the obligor agrees to fulfill his or her obligations after the expiration of the limitation of action, he or she shall not raise a plea on the ground of the expiration of the limitation of action; if the obligor voluntarily performs his or her obligations, no request for return may be made.

第一百九十三條   人民法院不得主動適用訴訟時效的規定。

Article 193 A people's court shall not apply the provisions on the limitation of action actively.

第一百九十四條   在訴訟時效期間的最後六個月內,因下列障礙,不能行使請求權的,訴訟時效中止:

Article 194 A limitation of action shall be suspended during the last six months of the limitation if the right of claim cannot be exercised because of the following obstacles:


1. Force majeure;


2. the person who has no or limited capacity for civil conduct has no statutory agent, or his or her statutory agent dies or loses the capacity for civil conduct or the power of agency;


(III) neither a successor nor a legacy caretaker has been determined after the commencement of succession;


(IV) the obligee is controlled by the obligor or other persons; and


(V) Other obstacles that result in the failure of the obligee to exercise the right of claim.


A limitation of action shall expire after six months from the date when the reason for suspension is eliminated.

第一百九十五條   有下列情形之一的,訴訟時效中斷,從中斷、有關程序終結時起,訴訟時效期間重新計算:

Article 195 A limitation of action shall be interrupted under any of the following circumstances, and it shall recommence from the time when the interruption or the relevant procedure is terminated:


1. the obligee claims for the fulfillment of obligations by the obligor;


2. the obligor agrees to fulfill the obligations;


3. the obligee files a lawsuit or applies for arbitration; or


(IV) other circumstances which have the same effect as filing a lawsuit or applying for arbitration arise.

第一百九十六條   下列請求權不適用訴訟時效的規定:

Article 196 The limitation of actions shall not apply to the following rights of claim:


1. a claim for ceasing infringements, removing obstacles and eliminating dangers;


(II) a claim of the obligee with real right of an immovable and registered real right of a movable for returning his or her property;


(III) a claim for payment of child support, alimony or maintenance; and


(IV) other rights of claim that shall not be subject to a limitation of action according to law.

第一百九十七條   訴訟時效的期間、計算方法以及中止、中斷的事由由法律規定,當事人約定無效。

Article 197 The periods, calculation methods, and the reasons for a suspension or interruption shall be prescribed by the law and those agreed by and between the parties concerned shall be null and void.


Where a party concerned waives in advance the interests derived from the limitation of action, such waiver shall be null and void.

第一百九十八條   法律對仲裁時效有規定的,依照其規定;沒有規定的,適用訴訟時效的規定。

Article 198 Where the law contains provisions on the limitation of arbitration, such provisions shall apply; where there is no provision on the limitation of arbitration, the provisions on the limitation of action shall apply.

第一百九十九條   法律規定或者當事人約定的撤銷權、解除權等權利的存續期間,除法律另有規定外,自權利人知道或者應當知道權利產生之日起計算,不適用有關訴訟時效中止、中斷和延長的規定。存續期間屆滿,撤銷權、解除權等權利消滅。

Article 199 Unless otherwise prescribed by law, the duration of such rights as the right of revocation and the right of dissolution stipulated by the law or agreed by the parties concerned shall run from the date when a right holder knows or should have known that such right is created. The provisions on the suspension, interruption and extension of the limitation of action shall not apply to the above duration. Upon expiration of the term, the right of revocation, right of dissolution and other rights shall be extinguished.

第十章 期間計算

Chapter 10 Calculation of Time Period

第二百條   民法所稱的期間按照公曆年、月、日、小時計算。

Article 200 For the purpose of the Civil Law, a time period shall be calculated by the Gregorian calendar in years, months, days and hours.

第二百零一條   按照年、月、日計算期間的,開始的當日不計入,自下一日開始計算。

Article 201 When a time period is calculated in years, months and days, the day on which the period begins shall not be counted as within the period; calculation shall begin from the next day.


When a time period is calculated in hours, calculation of such period shall begin from the time stipulated by the law or agreed by the parties concerned.

第二百零二條   按照年、月計算期間的,到期月的對應日為期間的最後一日;沒有對應日的,月末日為期間的最後一日。

Article 202 When a time period is calculated in years and months, the same day of the last month as the day on which the period begins shall be taken as the last day of the time period; where there is no such same day, the end of the last month shall be taken as the last day of the time period.

第二百零三條   期間的最後一日是法定休假日的,以法定休假日結束的次日為期間的最後一日。

Article 203 If the last day of a period falls on a statutory holiday, the day after the end of that statutory holiday shall be the last day of the period.


The last day shall end at 24: 00. If business hours are applicable, the last day shall end at closing time.

第二百零四條   期間的計算方法依照本法的規定,但是法律另有規定或者當事人另有約定的除外。

Article 204 The calculation of a time period shall conform to the provisions of this Law, unless otherwise stipulated by the law or agreed by the parties concerned.


Chapter 11 Supplementary Provisions

第二百零五條   民法所稱的“以上”“以下”“以內”“屆滿”,包括本數;所稱的“不滿”“超過”“以外”,不包括本數。

Article 205 For the purpose of the Civil Law, the terms "not less than", "not more than", "within", and "expires" shall include the given figure; the terms "under", "exceeds", and "beyond" shall not include the given figure.

第二百零六條   本法自2017101日起施行。

Article 206 The Law shall come into force as of October 1, 2017.


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